Species cloned
Further information: List of animals that have been cloned
The modern cloning techniques involving nuclear transfer have been successfully performed on several species. Landmark experiments[clarification needed] in chronological order:
Tadpole: (1952) Many scientists questioned whether cloning had actually occurred and unpublished experiments by other labs were not able to reproduce the reported results.[citation needed]
Carp: (1963) In China, embryologist Tong Dizhou produced the world's first cloned fish by inserting the DNA from a cell of a male carp into an egg from a female carp. He published the findings in a Chinese science journal.[5]
Mice: (1986) A mouse was the first successfully cloned mammal. Soviet scientists Chaylakhyan, Veprencev, Sviridova, and Nikitin had the mouse "Masha" cloned. Research was published in the magazine "Biofizika" volume ХХХII, issue 5 of 1987.[clarification needed][6]
Sheep: (1996) From early embryonic cells by Steen Willadsen. Megan and Morag[citation needed] cloned from differentiated embryonic cells in June 1995 and Dolly the sheep from a somatic cell in 1997.[7]
Rhesus Monkey: Tetra ( January 2000) from embryo splitting[8][clarification needed]
Gaur: (2001) was the first endangered species cloned.[9]
Cattle: Alpha and Beta (males, 2001) and (2005) Brazil[10]
Cat: CopyCat "CC" (female, late 2001), Little Nicky, 2004, was the first cat cloned for commercial reasons[citation needed]
Dog: Snuppy, a male Afghan hound was the first cloned dog (2005)[11].
Rat: Ralph, the first cloned rat (2003)[12]
Mule: Idaho Gem, a john mule born 4 May 2003, was the first horse-family clone.[citation needed]
Horse: Prometea, a Haflinger female born 28 May 2003, was the first horse clone.[citation needed]
Water Buffalo: Samrupa was the first cloned water buffalo. It was born on February 6, 2009, at India's Karnal National Diary Research Institute but died five days later due to lung infection.[13]
Camel: (2009) Injaz, is the first cloned camel
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